An image of a blue and yellow gradient background.

It pays to subscribe.

Never Pay Full Price Again

Save 20% on all subscription orders. Edit, skip, swap or cancel easily anytime online.

**Get 20% Off Every Order**

Get 20% Off Every Order

Simply purchase any subscription or member priced item and the time between orders. That's it. You're in! And that's why we recommend subscribing to your favorite products through our U Save Club.

**Full Control Over Your Subscription**

Full Control Over Your Subscription

Easily pause, start or cancel it at any time - all online. All orders shipped out the same time every month - or on the schedule you decide, so you don't ever need to worry about reordering or running out (and you'll always be guaranteed your monthly supply).

Subscriber Benefits

At UMZU, we're always trying to make your shopping experience better. Subscribing to your favorite products through our U Save Club saves you more.

**20% Of Every Order**

20% Of Every Order

With the U Save Club, get at least 20% off every order as long as you're a member.

**Guaranteed Delivery**

Guaranteed Delivery

You’ll automatically receive your order around the same time every month.

**Make Changes Any Time**

Make Changes Any Time

Pause, change billing cycles or cancel your subscription online at ANY time.

**Prompt VIP Support**

Prompt VIP Support

Prompt and personal help available 24/7 for your subscription or products.

How to Sign Up for the U Save Club

**Select the "Subscribe and Save" option on any eligible product.**

Select the "Subscribe and Save" option on any eligible product.

On any eligible product or bundle on the site, you'll see an option to "Subscribe." This automatically enrolls you in the U Save Club. Select that option, and you'll have the option to choose how often you get your shipment...

**Choose your frequency and "Subscribe"**

Choose your frequency and "Subscribe"

You can choose to receive your product(s) every 30 days, every 60 days, or every 90 days - it's completely up to you. After you've selected your frequency, simply click the Subscribe button and complete your checkout. We'll do the rest and make sure you get your products on time, every time.

How to Manage Your Subscription

**Step One**

Step One

Login to your account, then click "Subscriptions"

Login to your account. After you login, you'll see the Subscriptions tab at the top of the page, select here to view active subscriptions.

**Step Two**

Step Two

Select Edit, Skip or Swap

Selecting "Edit" will take you to the subscription page where you can change the frequency, next charge date or address with ease. Skipping will skip the order and swapping will allow you to choose another product.

**Step Three**

Step Three

Edit products, shipment frequency, pause or cancel subscriptions.

From the "Edit" page is where you can make any changes at any time. If you need help with anything or have any questions, we're always available to help.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Still have questions?

Please reach out to our helpful, friendly and highly-reviewed customer care team.