Zachary Stephens | March 28, 2025

Stop Drinking So Much Water!


I’ve wanted to write this blog for a while now. I constantly see people walking around with these massive water jugs, some with labels on the side showing ‘motivational phrases’ like “Keep Chugging” “Almost there” etc. And everyone has heard the common blind advice of “Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day!”. But is this really benefiting people? Or is this just increasing the amount of trips to the bathroom and flushing out vitamins and minerals. 

Before you continue, I want to clarify that I’m not advocating for avoiding water. Hydration is essential, but the focus should be on the quality of the water rather than the quantity. This goes beyond tap vs filtered water. Yes, you should absolutely filter your water. However,  it’s important to recognize that filters don’t discriminate. They remove both contaminants and the beneficial minerals. If you’re drinking a lot of plain filtered water, you might actually be depleting your body of essential electrolytes.

Additionally, if filtered water is all you have access to and you’re thirsty, drink it! This blog is simply meant to provide information on how to optimize your hydration, not to discourage you from drinking water when you need it.

Water Needs Are Different for Everyone

Water intake also depends on multiple variables. Remember that there isn’t a one size fits all approach. Water intake can depend on metabolism, activity level, climate and humidity. 

If you’re sweating heavily due to heat or physical activity, you’ll naturally need more water. But if you’re sitting at a desk all day, do you really need to be lugging around a gallon of water? Probably not. However, you still see people carrying around the large water bottles to their desk. (Although, I get that some people may just want an excuse for extra bathroom breaks to escape work—totally understandable!  *This isn’t me @UMZU, I promise*)

But if you really want to focus on hydration, you need to turn your attention to electrolytes.

Electrolytes Matter More Than You Think

Everyone has heard of electrolytes, usually in reference to sports drinks. Electrolytes are much more than just something for athletes, they are essential minerals that help with:

  • Hydration

  • Muscle and nerve function

  • Regulating chemical processes

  • Cell functioning

  • And so much more

Significant electrolytes include sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, calcium, phosphate, and bicarbonates. They are essential for life and you consume them from fluids and food. True hydration is about balancing these minerals, not drowning yourself in plain water.

(Side note: Sodium deserves an entire blog post of its own that I plan to write soon. The idea that we should all be cutting down on sodium might actually be misguided. Like most things, balance is key.)

The Problem With Overhydration

Many people believe that more water equals better hydration, but this isn’t necessarily true. Overhydrating on plain, demineralized water can lead to an imbalance of electrolytes, particularly sodium, which is crucial for cell function. This can cause water to move into the body’s cells leading them to swell, which can lead to common side effects like headaches, confusion, drowsiness, nausea and bloated stomach.

Listen to Your Body

The human body is pretty incredible. It has built in systems to let you know when it’s actually thirsty– and you should listen to them. Instead of blindly following arbitrary hydration rules, do a simple check of your urine.

  • Dark yellow, or brownish color? You need more water and electrolytes. 

  • Completely clear urine? You are probably overhydrated and flushing out essential nutrients. 

  • Dry mouth? You’re likely thirsty and need to drink up.

Hydration is about listening to your body, not forcing yourself to drink excessive amounts of filtered water just because someone said so.

ZUUM Lytes Electrolytes Drink Powder

ZUUM Lytes is a powerful electrolyte drink powder designed to naturally replenish your body's stores of electrolytes and other important minerals that are excreted from your body through sweat. With 3X the electrolytes of traditional sports drinks, each serving helps maintain optimal hydration and support your body's recovery process.

Our ZUUM Lytes are packed with electrolytes and trace minerals such as Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Zinc, and a Trace Mineral Complex to help support optimal hydration and electrolyte balance. Proper hydration is essential to recovery, aiding in muscular repair, digestion, reduced fatigue, and heart rate post-exercise.

Hydrate Smarter, Not Harder

I want to reiterate that drinking water is essential, and filtering water is a good practice, especially given the concerns about water quality. What I implore you do to is take the filtered water one step further by adding electrolytes back into it. 

Aside from an Electrolyte Powder like ZUUM Lytes, some other ways to replenish electrolytes are:

  • Mineral Water: My favorite is Gerolsteiner for both taste and mineral content. San Pellegrino and Mountain Valley are also good options.

  • Coconut Water: Some find it difficult to get past the taste. Coconut water taste can vary from brand to brand, My personal favorite is the Whole Foods 365 Organic Coconut Water.

Remember, focus on quality or quantity. Make sure your water is clean, but remineralized, and remember, it’s not just what you drink, it’s also about what you eat. 

So, before you carry around that gallon-sized water jug, consider whether you’re truly hydrating, or just making extra trips to the bathroom.